I think painting heritage structure is difficult as you can’t take much liberty in composition. These are well known structures and hence attempt should be there to paint what you can see. This is flora fountain (now area is known as Hutatma chowk -named after SamYukt Maharashtra movement martyrs).
The fort area in Mumbai where this fountain is situated is known for many such heritage structures and mainly for gothic style buildings
The fort area in Mumbai where this fountain is situated is known for many such heritage structures and mainly for gothic style buildings
I am very impressed with the few paintings currently on your blog. My favorite is the one on your mast head.
Like you, I am self taught and would encourage you to look at as much good art as you can. Lit that me your guide.
best wishes, and thanks for your comments on my blog. I will be checking yours regularly.
William Thanks for visiting and comment. The painting one you mentioned is doen at table land
Hi Ajay!Your painting is good.Like you,I'm also a self taught artist with most of the knowledge coming from books.I invite you to my blog and comment on my paintings.
Hello Ajay, finally picked up on your blog via Sanjeev. The full effect of your work can be seen when enlarged. It is superb, especially as you said, you can't fudge the detail on something as well knows as this monument. Great work.
Nice work, Ajay! You are satisfing both sides of your brain..the engineer and the artist.
Good, spontaneous marks in your watercolors!
Yes, painting historical landmarks is a challenge, but this is wonderful. Just enough detail to be believable, but fresh and loose. Very nice!
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