Saturday, January 30, 2010

tarpa player

Tarpa dance which is played to the tune of a wind instrument "Tarpa". This is the dance performed by Warli ( adivasi tribe in Thane district, Maharashtra) during harvest season/diwali. I have tried to use warli painting style painting and design approach to composition.

I really need a critique on this and comments on the areas to improve as I am planning to do a series of some figurative painting (which i am not good at :( ) on Maharashtra folk dances

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

walk with me

Full emeperial sizew watercolor on paper. Had done half size at location, walkway towards Mahatma Gandhi Memorial at National Park Mumbai. This bigger painting done with same reference.

Sunday, January 17, 2010

Adivasi homes

This is adivasi pada in national park-Mumbai . Full emperial plein air watercolor on paper

Monday, January 11, 2010


Tried to paint this with bold simple strokes. To keep it simple used Cansan Montval paper which I find dificult to go over more than two washes and that one limitation I tried to use it to my advantage. Tried to be quick but this took little more time (almost an hour)than expected.

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Wai Ghat

Damle Ghat, Wai /Krishna river.. the very spot made famous by Milind Mulick Sir. I had done same spot few months back on location and this is done from same reference .Full emperial size watercolor.